Well, it took a few years, but the U.S. Supreme Court finally took a CAFA case: Standard Insurance Co. v. Knowles. As our brilliant readers already know, the Class Action Fairness Act has generated extensive litigation on damages stipulations since its 2005 enactment, but the law remains unsettled. However, our very own CAFA Law Blog experts, Anthony
Guest Post: How the Class Action Fairness Act has Impacted Federal Courts
Here is our second guest post for the day. This one is from Kevin Krist, a personal injury attorney located in Houston.
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Guest Post: Happy Birthday CAFA: Has It Improved the Federal Court System?
The CAFA Law Blog is pleased to publish another guest post. This one is from Sarah Rawson. Sarah, you have the floor….
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Guest Post: The Class Action Fairness Act’s Impact Internationally
The CAFA Law Blog is pleased to post another guest post. This post is from Daniela Levett for Pryers Solicitors. Daniela, you have the mike….
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Guest Post: The Impact of the Class Fairness Act
Today, we are pleased to publish a Guest Post written by Paul Kasparov on behalf of MayoWynneBaxter.co.uk – specialist Wills and Probate Solicitors. Paul, you have the floor.
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Guest Post: Beyond The Class Action Fairness Act
Today we are publishing a guest post contributed by Sandy Atwood, on behalf of Lawyers.com. Sandy studies corporate law and in her spare time, she takes an interest in and writes about the various acts that are passed by Congress.
The floor is yours, Sandy. Continue Reading Guest Post: Beyond The Class Action Fairness Act
Class Action Lawsuits & Litigation Funding after the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005
The CAFA Law Blog is delighted to bring to you today a post authored by Earl G. Boyle, a chief legal analyst for Counsel Financial, regarding litigation funding.
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Occupy Wall Street Protest and the Class Action Fairness Act
Headed down to Wall Street to protest corporate greed? Instead of buying poster board and markers for your protest sign from one of the greedy corporations you are protesting against or using earth warming fossil fuels processed by another greedy corporation to get to the rally, how about publishing an article about your favorite topic-the Class…
Got Left Behind by the Rapture?
Feeling a little glum because you were Left Behind after the Rapture on May 21, 2011? Well don’t feel so bad. All of us at the CAFA Law Blog were Left Behind too. Although there is one that I wish had not been Left Behind. We have just the thing to help you feel better. In fact, if you follow our instructions we guarantee that you will not be Left Behind during the next Rapture, which we are pretty certain is in 2012 when the Mayan calendar expires.Continue Reading Got Left Behind by the Rapture?
In Memoriam: John Martin
Our readers who have followed the CAFA Law Blog for any length of time know that we are often irreverent, and don’t mind poking fun at anyone, ourselves included. Our long-time readers also know that the CAFA Law Blog is a “family effort,” and we consider our four person senior editorial group, our dozen analysts and…