On July 10, 2017, the CFPB issued a press release entitled “CFPB Issues Rule to Ban Companies From Using Arbitration Clauses to Deny Groups of People Their Day in Court.” The new Rule prohibits financial contracts from having arbitration clauses with class action bans. The new rule essentially restores consumer class actions. Here is the CFPB’s video on the new Rule. The full press release states:
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Around the Blogosphere
Around the Blogosphere – Washington Legal Foundation files amicus brief in Cappuccitti
Here’s a post from the Washington Legal Foundation blog regarding its recent filing of an amicus curiae brief in the Cappuccitti v. DirecTV litigation:
On August 18, 2010, WLF urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit to reconsider a recent panel opinion that would severely undermine the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).
Around the Blogosphere: More Musings on Cappuccitti
The Blogosphere’s been buzzing (relatively speaking) since the Eleventh Circuit’s decision last month in Cappuccitti v. DirecTV. It’s probably not up there with Lindsay Lohan getting out of jail or Levi Johnston breaking off the engagement to Bristol Palin (again), but we think it’s hotter than either of those in the class action world. …
Around the Blogosphere: Commentary on Recent CAFA Decision (Cappuccitti v. DirecTV)
We told you this case was a big deal, and predicted that it would attract attention all over the country (no major crystal ball required for that prediction). We also told you that the CAFA Law Blog would try to bring you information on what was going on around the blogosphere about the Cappuccitti v.
Around the Blogosphere: What to do with Cappuccitti?
In keeping with our promise at the CAFA Law Blog to keep you up to date on what’s happening in the world of the Class Action Fairness Act and particularly, last week’s blockbuster decision by a panel of the Eleventh Circuit in the Cappuccitti v. DirecTV case, here’s a blog post from the Carlton…
Around the Blogosphere – Eleventh Circuit Decision Threatens To Eliminate Federal Jurisdiction Over Most Consumer Class Actions, Undermining The Goals Of The Class Action Fairness Act
The Eleventh Circuit’s decision last week in Cappuccitti v. DirecTV has already caused quite a stir aound the Blogosphere. We’re going to bring you some of the commentary from other blogs over the next few days. Here’s a post from the Mayer Brown site to whet your appetite:
Around the Blogosphere: Class Action Confusion in the Eleventh Circuit
The blogosphere is humming (figuratively speaking) with the news of the Eleventh Circuit decision on Monday, July 19th in the Cappuccitti v. DirecTV litigation. The CAFA Law Blog has already posted a copy of the decision and a synopsis of the facts. We’re working feverishly on some other posts with our critique of the decision…
Around the Blogosphere – The Heartburn (Litigation) Is Gone…For Now
Arnold & Porter’s Consumer Advertising Law Blog, reported late last week on the status of the long-running Nexium class action litigation – the plaintiffs and their counsel likely had terrible cases of acid reflux over the weekend after learning that U. S. District Judge Eduardo Robreno had granted AstraZeneca’s motion to dismiss for failure…
Around the Blogosphere – Facebook Groups and Class Actions
OK, gang – this post from Sean Wajert over at the Mass Tort Defense Blog has something for everybody – parents griping about diaper rash on Facebook, which leads to a putative national class action against Procter & Gamble alleging that the new Pampers causes chemical burns. Most interesting to us at the CAFA Law Blog is…
Around the Blogosphere: The Supremes Decide No Agreement, No Class Arbitration
The U. S. Supreme Court applied an ancient Chinese maxim to a class arbitration entitlement questions in an opinion issued earlier this week: “No tickee, no washee.” Or something like that. Anyway, here’s the scoop from Stanford law student Vivian Wang on the SCOTUS Blog.
Stolt-Nielson S.A. v. AnimalFeeds International (08-1198)
In Stolt-Nielsen v. AnimalFeeds (No. 08-1198)…