As loyal CAFA law bloggers we know you are out there spending, spending, spending this holiday season on the latest gadgets like the Nintendo Wii, Ipod nanos, and special something for the better half. After all, there is no better way to stave off a recession than spending our way out of one. No doubt you’re using credit card after credit card to do it, especially since your home equity line of credit was washed away with the sub prime mortgage debacle.
Well, when those bills come due in late January we have the perfect thing for you…2 days in New York City at the American Conference Institute’s Consumer Finance Class Action conference.
Well known speakers will discuss issues ranging from the sub prime mortgage demise to Fair Credit Reporting Act litigation. With in house counsel from Capital One, Master Card, and Wachovia, just to name a few, you may be able to get some advice on how to pay those holiday credit card bills down.
When: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 to Wednesday, January 30, 2008.
Where: Millennium Broadway Hotel, New York, NY. Conveniently located next to the studio for Good Morning, America and Times Square. Make sure you arrive early at the studio with your sign that says "The CAFA Law Blog Rocks!"
How to register: