Before you get the wrong idea, read closely – we used 5 stars, not 4. We want to out tweet Kutcher. That’s right, the CAFA Law Blog is now on Twitter. Follow us daily for updates on recent court decisions, law review articles and commentary on all things CAFA. 

Last month Ashton Kutcher claimed victory over CNN being the first to have 1 million followers on Twitter. We want to pass Kutcher up (he’s currently at 1,812,820) and we need your help (we’re currently at 15). All you have to do is sign on to Twitter and start following. 

If you already have a Twitter account simply follow us @cafalawblog. If you don’t have an account, sign up is easy. Simply go to, enter an email address and you’ll be sent a link on how to confirm. Then start tweeting along with us!!!!