Thomas Dickerson, Class Actions:  The Law of 50 States (ALM Books, 2008) 

Ever vigilant to provide our brilliant readers with information about CAFA, we wanted to let you know about a new book you might find helpful.  Although the publisher did not provide us with a copy to review for you (hint, hint to the publisher), we wanted to pass along some information the publisher has provided about the book in case you find it of interest.  Here is what the publisher said about its book:

The Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 removed many class actions from state to federal district court. The ramifications of this legislation are explored in Class Actions: The Law of 50 States. Find step-by-step guidance on: identifying a potential class action; determining ex parte class certification; conducting pre-certification discovery; selecting a proper class representative; preparing pleadings and pre-certification motion papers; responding to your adversary’s motions and counterclaims; fulfilling requirements for class certification; delivering timely and proper notice to class members; pursuing the case through discovery and trial, or settling the case and winning the court’s approval; and satisfying the rigorous guidelines governing fee awards.  
This comprehensive resource analyzes advantages and disadvantages of noncash settlements and provides suggestions for avoiding problems with class counsel fees. Also featured is an explanation of settlement stipulations, aggregation and distribution of settlement coupons and cy pres settlements. This book is updated as needed, generally two times each year.  

For a complete overview of this report click on: 8c339e/class_actions_the_law_of_50_states  

Ordering – Three easy ways to place your order:  
1] Order online at 8c339e/class_actions_the_law_of_50_states

2] Order by fax: Print an Order form from 8c339e/class_actions_the_law_of_50_states and Fax to +353 1 4100 980  
3] Order by mail: Print an Order form from 8c339e/class_actions_the_law_of_50_states and post to Research and Markets Ltd. Guinness Center, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8. Ireland.