You may lie awake at night, thinking sugarplum thoughts about burning issues surrounding the Class Action Fairness Act. And you may, in the darkest hours before dawn, think that your ideas are unoriginal or mundane or even, simply wrong. But that negativity could be just your critical inner thoughts – those doubts that make you take the extra steps, do the extra research, walk the extra mile that make you such a good lawyer — repressing the real you. We’re here to tell you that’s just stinking thinking. We want to help you replace those negative thoughts with something positive – a CAFA Law Blog affirmation. We’ll show you the love. And we won’t even charge you a psychiatric consultation fee for helping you deal with those negative thoughts.
What’s that? That doesn’t sound like you – you don’t suffer from such negative feelings? Your ideas on CAFA are the gold standard? …well, denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, Sister. You must be a senior partner. We can also help you deal with your overconfidence by posting your musings on CAFA in the form of a guest post. Expose yourself to the class action world. We promise not to laugh.
Seriously, we would love to have the CAFA Law Blog serve as an outlet for commentary on cases, articles, legislative history, or any other issue surrounding the Class Action Fairness Act that you find interesting. Just send us your submission in Microsoft Word format, and try to limit your self expression to under 600 words.
We, of course, have to reserve the right not to post every submission we receive, and we may have to edit it a little – some jokester always seems to ruin it for the rest of us – but we’ll entertain any serious CAFA commentary. From both sides of the “v.” And your thoughts and ideas might spark other commentary. And so on and so forth, until you’re famous throughout the Blogosphere, if not the world.
Well, what are you waiting for, Mister? You’ve got some important thoughts to send our way!