Here at the CAFA Law Blog we live for talking about class certification, removal, remand, amount in controversy. I am getting all tingly just thinking about it.
But believe it or not, there is life after certification. Litigation continues with all the stuff that is the bread and butter of a litigator’s life. Motions, discovery, more motions, more discovery, fighting about motions and discovery, resolving the fights about discovery and motions.
Because we want all of our readers to be well rounded class action litigators, the CAFA Law Blog wanted to let you know about the upcoming Stafford CLE Teleconference Litigating Class Actions Between Class Certification and Trial: Effectively Pursuing and Defending Pre-Trial Motions and Discovery Requests. It’s sort of like Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen for Class Action Litigators. Except with less expositions. I will leave it to you to decide which side is the Decipticons. Feel free to imagine your author looks like Megan Fox.
A live 90-minute CLE teleconference with interactive Q&A presented by | |
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 |
See additional information, including the program outline