House counsel and the defense bar cannot afford to let their guard down in the class action litigation world after the adoption of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 — this is one of the messages urged by the American Conference Institute, the sponsor of the “3rd National In-House Counsel Conference on Defending and Managing Complex Litigation,” an Atlanta-based seminar scheduled to convene March 30 and 31, 2006. There is also a special “master class” session discussing CAFA on March 29th entitled, “Master Class on Assessing What CAFA Means for Your Clients, Cases, and Practice.”

As plaintiffs’ attorneys design new and clever ways to avoid CAFA-based federal jurisdiction and interpret CAFA to their advantage, defense lawyers must understand how CAFA has been interpreted by the courts to combat such tactics — another point the seminar sponsor drives home. The conference promises to offer insights into developments in post-CAFA litigation as well as guidance for litigating class actions in specific areas, such as consumer and employment law. There are also sessions on other areas of complex litigation, including some sessions with house counsel and with judges, including Honorable Richard Kramer, of the Complex Litigation Department of the San Francisco Superior Court and Honorable Susan B. Forsling of the State Court of Fulton County, Georgia.
The conference also features a networking luncheon, with prominent plaintiff class action counsel Melvyn I. Weiss, of Milberg Weiss Bershad & Schulman, scheduled to give the keynote address.
For more information, check out these links:

The Agenda
Program Overview