Do you ever lie awake at night wondering –
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!
And you may ask yourself…well how did I get here
Well, unless you’re a member of the Talking Heads or just can’t get the song out of your head, you more probably lie awake, like us CAFA Law Bloggers, wondering “how do I keep junk science out of the court room?”
Finally there is an answer, an easy one day junk science summit on Expert Witness and Scientific Evidence. The good people at American Conference Institute have put this summit together designed to present a forum for senior-level litigators like yourself.
The Summit will include proven insights for Daubert hearings and a view from the bench with a moderated discussion by jurists on how they weigh witness and scientific evidence. Don’t wait, call 1-888-224-2480 to register for this July 16, 2008 conference in Philadelphia, PA, or simply click here.
Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…