We’re going back to Cali – no, not with L.L. Cool J, but if you are lucky you can meet your favorite CAFA Law Blogger who’ll be in town to cover this awesome American Conference Institute conference. No, it’s not Anthony Rollo (although he is presenting at the Positioning Class Action Conference, click here for details). It is one of the foot soldiers of the CAFA Law Blog. If you identify him at the conference, he will personally give you the pen in his pocket protector.

What will you learn at this conference: proving exempt versus non-exempt status in the grey areas, where the plaintiff bar is focusing litigation, industries facing misclassification and overtime claims, and overcoming challenges arising in settlements, including plans of distribution, scope of release and settlement administration.

What is it: American Conference Institute’s Wage and Hour Litigation Conference

When is it: October 28-29, 2008

Where is it: The Sheraton Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco, California

How do you register: Click here or go to our marketplace page and click on the ACI logo.