If brain activity burns calories, you can work off those Thanksgiving pounds at the 16th Annual Litigation & Resolution of Complex Class Actions Institute in New York City on November 29-30, 2006. Afterwards, strut your buffitude around Times Square, if you are not too sore.
Only Jane Fonda could top this Abs, Buns and Thighs workout: an hour of rigorous Amended Rule 23 updates, followed by nearly two hours of Class Action Fairness Act calisthenics: statistics, trends, settlement notification requirements, retroactivity, coupon settlements, burden of proof during remand battles, jurisdictional issues, discovery issues and more to get your heart rate up.
Head to the weight room after the coffee break (hold the cream and sugar): current issues in securities class actions. Lunch, then endurance training with sessions on suing accountants and attorneys under the securities laws, coordination of SEC/DOJ investigations with the class action, and class-action related insurance issues.
By day two, you’ll be ready for endurance training: developments in antitrust class actions, RICO class actions, product liability and consumer actions, electronic discovery, arbitration agreements, topped off by a sprint through a couple of dozen issues concerning resolution and settlement strategies.
Sponsored by West Legalworks, the program’s co-chairs are Joseph M. McLaughlin, of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP and Paul H. Dawes of Latham & Watkins LLP. For more information, click here.