There is a house in New Orleans

They call the Sheraton

And it’s been the site of many a CLE

And God this looks like one


Now the only thing an attorney needs

Is a suitcase and registration fee ($225 if early / $240 late)

And we’re sure, they will be satisfied

In New Orleans on October 19


—— organ solo ——


Oh attorneys tell your colleagues

That CAFA will be discussed

By speakers at the podium

As will Notice and Settlements and Discovery

At the 7th Annual Symposium


Well, there is a Symposium in New Orleans

And it starts with the Rising Sun (8:00 am to be exact)

Class actions have ruined many an unsuspecting counselor

So God please don’t be one.


WHAT: 7th Annual Class Action / Mass Tort Symposium

WHEN: Friday, October 21, 2007, 8:00 a.m.

WHERE: Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, 500 Canal Street