No matter your take on class action litigation or the Class Action Fairness Act, this November conference promises “something for everyone” and some clues as to the future effects of CAFA. “The Future of Class Action Litigation in America” is an ABA-sponsored conference slated for November 9th through 11th, 2005 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., featuring judges, lawyers and law professors on the seminar panels. CAFA is the first item on the agenda during the overview session led by the Hon. Jed Saul Rakoff, United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York. The balance of the program will touch on a number of critical issues under the CAFA umbrella, including the new law’s impact on multi-state class actions, the judiciary’s perspective on CAFA, and settlement and bankruptcy issues.

The November conference is sponsored by the American Bar Association, and a number of its sections, including the Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section, the Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Section, the Business Litigation Section, the Medicine and Law Section, and the Products, General Liability and Consumer Law Sections.
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