Join the ABA on October 30, 2009 or November 20, 2009 for an all day CLE on our favorite topic, All Things Class Actions. The institute will cover new developments in class action litigation, including litigating arbitration clauses, development of recent case law and a survival guide for today’s class action settlements. In addition, if you attend in San Francisco, you will hear a ground breaking discussion on class action issues affecting California. If you attend in Washington, D.C., you will hear from a group of federal judges with their perspective on class action litigation.
You should attend this program if you want to:
• Hear the latest trends in litigating class actions
• Stay up to date on hot class action issues
• Learn how counsel and the courts are addressing class certification motions
• Keep up with the latest word on how to settle class action cases
• Observe how attorneys address class action waivers and arbitration clauses
or take a trip to San Francisco or Washington, D.C.
When: October 30, 2009 or November 20, 2009
Where: San Francisco, California (October)
Intercontinental San Francisco Hotel
888 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA
Washington, D.C. (November)
Willard Intercontinental Washington
1401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C.
Sign up by clicking here.