Retail data breaches continue to evolve and bring new litigation and trends in the Data Breach and Privacy Litigation context. Business to business claims, vendor lawsuits, litigation between issuing banks and retailers post-breach, the ecosystem of payment card breaches, and Genesco decision implications are just some of the topics analyzed and discussed in greater detail. Click here for the pdf of the agenda.

This premiere conference is led by an unparalleled faculty of in-house counsel, federal judges, and the top outside counsel plaintiff and defense litigators and firms. It has networking opportunities galore and features innovative and highly relevant content that will allow you to benchmark your current data breach, TCPA and privacy strategies.

Some of sessions include:

Business associates as a covered entity

  • Breach occurs and vendor is in the covered entity agreement – Litigation surrounding around the vendor
  • 3rd party vendor makes the assessment
  • Litigation between issuing bank and retailer: who is financially responsible in the event of consumer card fraud?
  • Litigation based on whether the retailer has good cyber controls, technical controls, and the right policies
  • Examining the ecosystem of payment card breaches
  • Assessing the relationship between retailers and acquiring banks
  • Evaluating the roles of the retailer and the merchant bank
  • Reporting credit card swipes to the acquiring bank
  • Acquiring bank reporting to the issuing bank – Analyzing the role of major credit card companies in this system
  • Hiring a forensic investigator
  • Determining the role of retailer who is deemed at fault for breaches – How and why the issuing bank sweeps money out of the retailer’s bank
  • What kind of arguments can the retailer make that the fault is not their own?
  • Review of Genesco case: What is the right to recoup losses?
  • Class action suits where bank file suit against merchants

Additional details and registration information are available at or by calling 888-224-2480.

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