With new claims arising out of the Video Privacy Protection Act and Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), ACI’s Data Breach & Privacy Litigation and Enforcement conference on March 17-18, 2016 at the Union League in Philadelphia is as timely as ever. Click here for the updated pdf of the agenda.
This premiere conference is led by an unparalleled faculty of in-house counsel, federal judges, and the top outside counsel plaintiff and defense litigators and firms. It has networking opportunities galore and features innovative and highly relevant content that will allow you to benchmark your current data breach, TCPA and privacy strategies.
Some of sessions include:
- Class Actions: Data Privacy & Security Breach Case Law Trends in Key Jurisdictions and Circuit Court Rulings; New Class Certification Issues; Novel Standing, Causation, Damages, Injury and Actual Harm Nuances; and How the Neiman Marcus and Spokeo Decisions Have and Will Continue to Change the Landscape
- Federal and State AG Enforcement for Invasion of Privacy, Data Breaches, and Failure to Comply with Notification Statutes: FTC Authority & Litigation, Wyndham Case Implications, Multi-State/Agency Investigation and Audits, Negotiation, Settlement, Trial, and How the Various Actions Are Proceeding and Being Resolved
- Shareholder Derivative Lawsuits: Role of Board of Directors, Managing Cyber Security and Breach Response Programs, FTC Statements on Board of Director’s Responsibility on Cyber Security, and Recent Case Law on Breach of Fiduciary Duty
- Business to Business Claims: Vendor Lawsuits; Litigation Between Issuing Banks and Retailers Post-Breach; the Ecosystem of Payment Card Breaches; and Genesco Decision Implications
- Impact of the Safe Harbor Agreement Declared Invalid By the EU and the Anticipated Litigation as a Result, Right to be Forgotten Law in Europe, Compliance with EU Law, and Managing Information Cross-Border Cyber Security Liability and Coverage in the Hospitality Industry
- Working Toward Prevention of the Breach: What Do Phishing Incidents Look Like?; How Do Forensic Investigations Take Place?; and Are There Ways to Try to Prevent the Breach
Additional details and registration information are available at http://www.AmericanConference.com/DataBreach or by calling 888-224-2480.
Please mention this code when registering: B00-999-CLB16